Bila kata cinta, mesti hendak bersama ke syurgaNya, apa-apa sahaja yang membawa ke neraka, itu bukan namanya cinta. ~Hilal Asyraf~

Monday 1 June 2015

The Liebster Award by My Cutest Cousin

I got a liebster award. In fact, I don't know what is it, but because it's given by my cutest and lovely cousin, then I'm excitedly accept the award.

Before I answer the questions given, I would like to apologize because of the delay. I'm sorry dear Najah. ='(

Alright, here the answer:

1. Apa maksud nama awak?

The meanings of my name?
Sabila means path (jalan), while Huda means guidance (petunjuk), that's Jalan Petunjuk! ;)

2. Bagaimana usaha yang ingin dilakukan untuk memartabatkan kembali islam

Hemm.. I think the simplest but not easy way is to put the Islamic teaching on my lifestyle.

3. Sehari berapa muka baca quran?

1-2 pages, only. Errr.. =(

4. Berapa kali update blog dalam masa sebulan?

This is the second time after I renovate this blog. Renovate or rebuild, ya? Hehe. I'm not sure how often I will.

5. Dalam sebulan berapa buah buku diniah yang habis dibaca?

Depend.. If I have new books, I'll read it as soon as possible.

6. Bagi 7 hobi yang dibuat pada masa lapang

- Reading
- Studying languages
- Surfing internet
- Chatting on Whatsapp
- Posting status on Wechat
- Checking social accounts (FB, IG, Twitter)
- Listening musics

7. Kalau dapat menjadi CEO di syarikat microsoft menggantikan bill gates, apa yang akan dibuat?

I'm not sure yet. Maybe donour the incomes to Islamic society?

8. Mudah bangun pagi tak?

Sometimes I wake up easily, and sometimes not so~ hehe..

9. Kereta apakah yang ingin dibeli jika ada yang ingin sponsor?

I wanna buy a Honda Civic, or perhaps, Ferrari? haha.. =D

10. Sebutkan tempat di dunia yang ingin dilawati bersama family, dan bersama rakan taulan.

I wanna visit Europe and South Korea with my family and friends. But first of all, I wish that I can perform haj with them (my family) in Mekah. =)

That's all, thank you for asking, dear! ;)

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